Inflatables Deliver A Stronger Emotional Connection for Cause Marketing
Marketing a social cause is all about building connections. Unless you successfully strike a nerve with your target audience and ignite a passion for your cause, marketing efforts are likely to deliver lackluster results. The primary objective of marketing a social cause is getting others to see the value of your organization.; You must keep the crusade in the media as well as in various mediums. From local television, radio, and newspaper-sponsored events to organization outreach efforts, inflatables give you a distinctive centerpiece to rally around. What's more… marketing a social cause with inflatables accomplishes the five goals of promotional marketing.
Learn How Others Use Inflatables to Get Results
"I was especially impressed with your ability to turn around such excellent work on very short notice, and at a fair price."
- R. Stever-Zeitlin, General Mills
"Our giant peach is brand new to us and will help us gain name recognition in our community at health fairs, county fairs, farm markets, school events and almost any event we take it to."
- Greg Stone, Peach Tree Healthcare
"I chose Landmark Creations because they had a reasonable price for a customized inflatable. The other inflatables featured on their site made me confident that they could produce exactly what I was looking for."
- Sara Chadeck, KONO 101.1 FM
“The huge cereal bag could be seen from anywhere and was a nice draw to gather people to the tents we had set up.”
- Anika Hage, WatersMolitor
The inflatable complements our messaging since Ivar’s is a quirky restaurant that’s known for its antics.
- J. Werth, Ivar's Restaurant
"[There was] fun, excitement, and encouragement for everyone to actually walk under/through [the arch] and it worked. We have cheerleaders and small children at the finish line by the arch handing out stickers, saying ‘I did it.’ Before we had the arch, [people] would straggle in anywhere."
- Jackie Allen, March of Dimes