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Tweety Bird Inflatable Billboard

Fage Yogurt's Inflatable Tweety Bird Billboard in Times SquareLook! It's a Bird. It's a Plane. No… It Really is a Bird

At least part of one!  Onlookers at the Macy's Day Parade in Times Square got quite a shock when they noticed poor Tweety had flown south… right into a billboard. Fage Yogurt along with Atomic Props concocted this eye-catching billboard that demonstrates just how thick Fage yogurt products really are.

But it took Landmark Creations' innovative touch to pull the whole thing off!  Parade attendees thought the billboard was so unique that some captured the sight on video. This is not the first inflatable Landmark Creations has done in conjunction with Atomic Props. Using a cold-air balloon and carefully lining up how the inflatable fits within the billboard's structure, some pretty intriguing designs can be created. Tweety will have his tail feathers to the wind for 60 days so if you're in the area, stop by soon for a view you won't catch every day.

Need a 3D Billboard for your next promotion? Check out the creative talent at Atomic Props

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"The speed of production was remarkable. We now have eight Hot Stuff balloons that will travel all over the USA to invite people to try our great-tasting pizza."

- B. Eble, Hot Stuff Foods

"I liked the way Tom listened and shared his ideas with me so that I could use the canyon like I needed. Tom hit a home run with my model. His input made all the difference in the world"

- Laurie Henry, Trinity Science Solutions LLC

"The inflatables have been a great success at shows, seminars and especially at pet shops where they help us to coordinate Iams Co. weekends that allow us to promote and increase sales of our products."

-The IAMS Company

"We received our inflatable and gave it a test run Saturday afternoon. To be short; Excellent Work. Thanks again for all your efforts."

- Curtis Gadula, Brock University

“We knew Landmark was the only company that would be able to understand our vision and work to make it come to life.”

- P. Donaldson, American Cancer Society

"Give our races a 'big event' feel.  They look cool in photos and videos, and they help us establish the look and feel of our brand."

- Sam Abbitt, Savage Race