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Northernrn State Bank of Virginia's Inflatable Dog Mascot, Otis, is a Local Legend

Inflatable Dog Mascot at Fourth of July ParadeOtis the dog accompanies his owner, the President of Northern State Bank of Virginia, to work every day faithfully. He's become quite a fixture and is considered one of the team.

In fact, Otis is so well loved, he's moved into the position of official bank mascot. Because the public loves him so, his presence is often requested at community events.  But for such a small creature, crowds are not always a good thing. Enter Otis the inflatable mascot.

The perfect solution was to create an inflatable Otis that could be used as a parade balloon and in other capacities. Nicknamed "Big O," this inflatable mascot has become almost as popular as the original. Bank representative Jodi Laeupple commented, "The whole town looks forward to seeing the big Otis balloon during parades and local events. Big O really makes a statement!"

Since Landmark inflatables are multipurpose, they can easily be used as parade balloons, outside a storefront during the grand opening, on your rooftop to announce specials and in dozens of other ways. And when they are as cute as Otis, everybody wants to stop and take a look! 

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"People love the inflatable! It's been a great photo op for History Center guests."

- Laura Geffre-Rick, Minnesota Historical Society

"Simply put, the bobbleheads were a real hit at TwinsFest. Over 21,000 fans attended the two-day event raising more than $100,000 for the Twins Community Fund charities."

- Heidi Sammon, Minnesota Twins

“Not only have they been extremely impactful, attracting hundreds of potential consumers to our sampling teams, but the ease in which we can install them has been a great help...”

- B. Gerety, Veryfine Products, Inc.

"We usually have to keep the arch up for at least 30 minutes after our races since so many people want to get their photos taken with it!"

- Art Boulet, Muddy Monk

“[The inflatable arch] created a wonderful backdrop to brand our events, capture our sponsors in the photos used by the participants, and made it easy to travel down the coast of California without taking up too much space on our trucks.”

- Amy Daugherty, California Coast Classic

"Thank you so much for getting the arch to us in time for our event!  The arch looked great and we couldn't of been happier with the look.  Looking forward to ordering another arch from you for our 2013 events!"

- Holly Vittengl, Gladiator Assault Challenge