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Barneys New York Introduces Gaga's Workshop with Cold-Air Inflatable Characters

Lady Gaga Inflatable Promoting Barneys New York in Uptown ManhattanBarneys New York Goes Gaga with Inflatable Character Head, Claw & Spider

Uptown Manhattan was taken over by a herd of inflatable character balloons in November as Barneys New York launched a new holiday campaign.

  In conjunction with pop diva Lady Gaga, the upscale retailer has transformed the entire fifth floor of its Madison Avenue store into a delightfully demented shopper's paradise.

Making use of three different inflatable characters, Barneys New York was able to all but monopolize the media (at least temporarily).  The quirky displays outside the store and around the city certainly bolstered the curiosity levels of people on the street, causing them to stop and have a good, long look. 

Cold-air inflatables were used at three street events.  A "Gaga Claw" went up at Houston and Broadway while a massive "Gaga Head" inflatable character took center stage at Columbus Circle surrounded by a troupe of dancers.  In addition, the "Gaga Spider" was collecting second glances on the corner of 23rd at Broadway.

With a limited selection of Gaga products to choose from, the project hopes to raise awareness and funds for the Born This Way Foundation.  Barneys New York is donating 25% of all sales from the Workshop to the cause, which addresses issues such as bullying.

If ever we've had an exercise in stretching the boundaries of creativity, this would be it!  Just goes to show how flexible, fun and functional cold air inflatables can be.

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"Simply put, the bobbleheads were a real hit at TwinsFest. Over 21,000 fans attended the two-day event raising more than $100,000 for the Twins Community Fund charities."

- Heidi Sammon, Minnesota Twins

"Landmark created two inflatable Truman the Tigers for us, and they were incredibly easy to work with, as well as very affordable."

- Michelle Froese, Missouri University

"[Our inflatable tunnel has] increased players & parents enthusiasm and recognition in the league for having a good program."

- W. Forrestal, Apex Sports Authority

"Our tunnel was also a great addition to our pre-game tradition: the Wildcat walk. Our city shuts down three blocks of downtown, and we have hundreds of fans lining the streets with a police escort, while we walk to the stadium."

- Sam Baker, Head Football Coach at Waconia High School

"Landmark worked with us to make sure our client was satisfied with the product. They provided great customer service and got us answers when we needed them."

- April Lo, SKA Events

"[There was] fun, excitement, and encouragement for everyone to actually walk under/through [the arch] and it worked.  We have cheerleaders and small children at the finish line by the arch handing out stickers, saying ‘I did it.’ Before we had the arch, [people] would straggle in anywhere."

- Jackie Allen, March of Dimes