Giant Inflatable Christmas Ornaments Increase Advertising Revenue for the Acropolis Center
DG Arquitectura, an interior design firm in the Dominican Republic, had a twofold purpose when they contacted Landmark Creations.
They wanted to add beautiful, bigger-than-life Christmas decorations to the Acropolis Center (a local mall) in Santo Domingo to increase holiday cheer.
They also wanted to generate some additional marketing revenue. It just so happens that giant inflatable balloons are perfect for both tasks!
Armed with an entire collection of Christmas ornaments in varying shapes and colors, DG set out to decorate the mall. Obviously, because of the beauty and size of these gorgeous advertising inflatables, they immediately attracted attention (the whole point, after all). By selling banners that attached to the ornaments, the firm was able to increase advertising sales while providing an excellent promotional opportunity. Merchants could place a message right in front of the hundreds of shoppers that passed through the mall each day.
How'd they make out, you ask. "We would love to add more elements next year!!!" With increased recognition for merchants, media coverage on TV, radio and in the newspapers and the additional revenue, what's not to love?
Featured in Landmarketing Issue 28
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What Others Say About Landmark Creations
"We received our inflatable and gave it a test run Saturday afternoon. To be short; Excellent Work. Thanks again for all your efforts."
- Curtis Gadula, Brock University
“The huge cereal bag could be seen from anywhere and was a nice draw to gather people to the tents we had set up.”
- Anika Hage, WatersMolitor
"[The logo] helped us create a better presence, improved foot traffic, became a photo backdrop and helped us have the best-looking booth at the events,"
- Laura Repreza, KTLM Telemundo 40
"Give our races a 'big event' feel. They look cool in photos and videos, and they help us establish the look and feel of our brand."
- Sam Abbitt, Savage Race
“The inflatable finish arch looked fantastic! Local media was also there filming, so photos and videos of our race were viewed by many with our logo front and center.”
- David Parker, Pacific Road Runners Club
"We usually have to keep the arch up for at least 30 minutes after our races since so many people want to get their photos taken with it!"
- Art Boulet, Muddy Monk