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Inflatable Balloon Guy Stars In Television Commercial

Inflatable Balloon Guy in CharcoCaps CommercialInflatable Balloon Guy Stars In Television Commercial

Multimedia firm, Lunchbox Communications, developed the idea of using an advertising balloon in television commercials for CharcoCaps all-natural, anti-gas capsules.

Balloon Guy finds himself in several precarious positions during these 15-second spots including trapped in a crowded elevator and sleeping next to his significant other.  At six feet tall, this life-size, custom-designed advertising balloon finally gets relief with the help of CharcoCaps.

Once again, inflatables came through in gaining attention and evoking response.  According to Lunchbox officials, "The spot is airing in select media markets across the country with huge success.  In just four weeks, the ad has inflated CharcoCaps sales by 50% in Wal-Mart stores."

Just goes to show you what a little creativity and a lot of detailed design work can do for your bottom line!

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

“[The inflatable arch] created a wonderful backdrop to brand our events, capture our sponsors in the photos used by the participants, and made it easy to travel down the coast of California without taking up too much space on our trucks.”

- Amy Daugherty, California Coast Classic

"We are able to directly track customer traffic caused by the boot, so we know the inflatable boot paid for itself within the first year."

- Jerry Kavsh, Renton Western Wear

"Simply put, the bobbleheads were a real hit at TwinsFest. Over 21,000 fans attended the two-day event raising more than $100,000 for the Twins Community Fund charities."

- Heidi Sammon, Minnesota Twins

"The inflatables have been a great success at shows, seminars and especially at pet shops where they help us to coordinate Iams Co. weekends that allow us to promote and increase sales of our products."

-The IAMS Company

“The huge cereal bag could be seen from anywhere and was a nice draw to gather people to the tents we had set up.”

- Anika Hage, WatersMolitor

“We knew Landmark was the only company that would be able to understand our vision and work to make it come to life.”

- Lelia King, Charlotte Center City Partners