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Inflatable Balloon Guy Stars In Television Commercial

Inflatable Balloon Guy in CharcoCaps CommercialInflatable Balloon Guy Stars In Television Commercial

Multimedia firm, Lunchbox Communications, developed the idea of using an advertising balloon in television commercials for CharcoCaps all-natural, anti-gas capsules.

Balloon Guy finds himself in several precarious positions during these 15-second spots including trapped in a crowded elevator and sleeping next to his significant other.  At six feet tall, this life-size, custom-designed advertising balloon finally gets relief with the help of CharcoCaps.

Once again, inflatables came through in gaining attention and evoking response.  According to Lunchbox officials, "The spot is airing in select media markets across the country with huge success.  In just four weeks, the ad has inflated CharcoCaps sales by 50% in Wal-Mart stores."

Just goes to show you what a little creativity and a lot of detailed design work can do for your bottom line!

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"I liked the way Tom listened and shared his ideas with me so that I could use the canyon like I needed. Tom hit a home run with my model. His input made all the difference in the world"

- Laurie Henry, Trinity Science Solutions LLC

"The speed of production was remarkable. We now have eight Hot Stuff balloons that will travel all over the USA to invite people to try our great-tasting pizza."

- B. Eble, Hot Stuff Foods

“He’s fantastic! And already promised to four stores... Thank everyone for all their great work.”

- Precision Tune Auto Care

"Thanks so much, [the inflatables] look great. I am truly impressed. (So is the client.) I'll look forward to working with you in the future."

- W.C.P., CRN International

"Give our races a 'big event' feel.  They look cool in photos and videos, and they help us establish the look and feel of our brand."

- Sam Abbitt, Savage Race

"Landmark created two inflatable Truman the Tigers for us, and they were incredibly easy to work with, as well as very affordable."

- Michelle Froese, Missouri University