TEAM Coalition Uses Giant Inflatable to Promote Responsible Drinking
TEAM Coalition Encourages Responsible Drinking Using Giant Inflatable Football
Here's a refreshing idea! As part of an effort to promote responsible drinking and positive fan behavior at sporting and entertainment facilities, TEAM Coalition has launched a national campaign.
With impressive backing from pro and collegiate sports, entertainment facilities, concession companies, stadium services, the beer industry, broadcasters, government traffic-safety experts and others, TEAM Coalition continues on a cross-country tour to save lives and improve fan experiences at events.
One stop in the campaign was Chicago, home of the bowl-winning Bears. In Illinois, TEAM Coalition inflated a large Landmark Creations promotional balloon shaped like a football on a pedestal. The responsibility messages on the inflatable were "Great Beer, Great Responsibility" and "Bears Fans Don't Let Fans Drive Drunk."
The 10-foot-tall balloon was positioned at the north entrance of Soldier Field where it will remain during all home games in 2010. Fans are invited to agree with the messages and commit to the responsibility by autographing the ball. It's all part of the nationwide "Responsibility Has Its Rewards" campaign. The goal? To cover every inch of the promotional balloon with the signatures of responsible Bears fans.
Each signature represents someone who has pledged to have a designated driver and to never drive drunk. Many fans have even taken their photo with the ball after signing as a reminder of their vow.
Why did TEAM Coalition choose Landmark for the honor of creating this giant inflatable football? TEAM Coalition’s Executive Director, Jill Pepper, explains: "Landmark came at the recommendation of the Chicago Bears and we couldn't be more pleased with the ordering process and the final product."
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What Others Say About Landmark Creations
"The Adventure Colon is so rewarding for our organization. Everyone that walks through it is just in awe and learn so much when we guide them through it."
- Oneyda Cuevas, Hope Through Grace, Inc.
"We usually have to keep the arch up for at least 30 minutes after our races since so many people want to get their photos taken with it!"
- Art Boulet, Muddy Monk
"I chose Landmark Creations because they had a reasonable price for a customized inflatable. The other inflatables featured on their site made me confident that they could produce exactly what I was looking for."
- Sara Chadeck, KONO 101.1 FM
"Since they were purchased, these Sonic areas have attracted a great deal of attention when using the cup at the store or at special events in the community. [...] You have been excellent to do business with, always letting us know about any special deals and shipping the items quickly so we can start putting them to work. I appreciate your attention to our group of Sonics and for handling your business in a very professional manner, always delivering any information I need when making a decision. Here is a special thanks, with a "cherry on top."
- Mason-Harrison, Jarrard Enterprises
“This has created tremendous buzz around town and we have received a great deal of compliments on the Big Tire. Exposure is my goal, and the inflatable does that better than anyone, including me, can do at these events. The Big Tire never takes a break, gets tired or has to take a call. It just keeps shining bright and the kids love it.”
- Ed Chaney, Ed Chaney Tire Center Inc.
“We wanted to convey our 'money-saving' message; what better way than a 14-foot-tall inflatable booth with money flying around in it?”
- B. Hoffman, Hydra-Flex