10 Ways to Get Giant-Sized Exposure with Advertising Inflatables
Advertising Inflatables Deliver Enormous Exposure
Whether you're planning a grand opening, attending a trade show or undertaking a full-blown mobile marketing campaign, you want big results. Few marketing strategies deliver the giant-sized exposure better than advertising inflatables. Here are 10 proven techniques you can use to pull in incredible amounts of traffic to your location.
#1 - Take Over Times Square - With all the neon and noise, how could anyone possibly get noticed in the middle of Times Square? By using 40-foot tall product replica advertising inflatables. Their size alone will have people gawking even amidst all the honking, flashing and other commotion.
#2 - Take Billboards to a New Dimension - Wait… what is that? There's something hanging from that billboard. Is it… the back end of Tweety Bird? Advertising inflatables make otherwise complex and massively expensive 3-D billboard campaigns much more logistically friendly and cost effective. (And certainly more eye-catching than the flat version.)
#3 - Send Foot Traffic Soaring to New Heights - In a remote location? Is your store difficult to find? Whether you're out in the middle of nowhere or in a basement downtown, you can still attract foot traffic with ease. Set a helium-filled advertising inflatable blimp soaring above your building. Emblazoned with your logo, you'll make it ultra easy for customers to locate you from blocks away.
#4 - Set Some Boundaries - On land or sea (or any body of water), inflatable pylons are easily noticed, making them excellent for marking boundaries. Triathlons, golf tournaments, charity poker runs, beaches and others are perfect uses for these mobile and brandable advertising inflatables.
#5 - Get Some Airtime - On the big or small screen, inflatables make creative props for TV commercials, movies or stage performances. Advertising inflatables are much less expensive than hiring actors or extras, or building props from hard materials. Plus, they don't require dressing rooms or make petty demands.
#6 - Stop Busy Motorists - Located near a busy street, intersection or freeway exit? If people are zipping by without stopping, it's likely because you aren't giving them a good reason to slow down. Put an inflatable replica on your rooftop and watch the cars stop and your traffic levels pick up.
#7 - Increase Giving at Charity Events - It's difficult to make a charity event successful if nobody sees you're there. Hosting a food drive at a ballgame? Sponsoring a charity race? Get noticed and increase giving by including an advertising inflatable at your tent or display.
#8 - Compete for the Ink - Hosting a contest is always a thrilling event. The suspense as the competition unfolds attracts huge crowds anxious to see the outcome. All this excitement is a magnet for journalists in search of their next human interest story. Be ready. While your event may be a competition, you don't want to have to compete for your 15 minutes of fame. Custom inflatable product replicas do that for you. They scream to reporters, "Hey! Come take my picture!" And they almost always will.
#9 - Pique Curiosity, Boost Registrations - If educating your target market is a goal you aim to accomplish, you'll need something to pique visitors' curiosity and draw them to you. What's more, if your event is linked with registration requests (for an association, classes, etc.), you'll need something that pulls double duty to encourage signups as well. Advertising inflatables are multitasking maniacs that regularly deliver the old one-two in attracting and retaining people at your location.
#10 - Give Your Ride a Facelift - Tired of the same old look for your company van, bus or … cruise ship? Inflatables are so highly customizable that they can be adapted to fit practically any vehicle. Add a logo or product replica to the top of your ride or install massive inflatable cattle horns on your cruise ship, as Royal Caribbean did. It's sure to get you noticed.
When your marketing philosophy is "go big or go home," advertising inflatables get the job done with giant-sized results.
Need creative ideas for your next marketing event?
Check out our gallery of inflatables.
Featured in Landmarketing Issue 38
Landmarketing Issue 38 - Summer 2011
Cold-Air Inflatable Monument Memorializes President George W Bush
Custom Inflatable Artwork Strikes a Chord with the Public
Eastern Propane Uses Inflatable Product Replica at Community Events
Cold-Air Inflatable Adds Pizzazz to Italian Festival
A Dancing Clam on the Roof - Promotional Inflatable Balloons Make it Happen
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What Others Say About Landmark Creations
"After speaking to a number of vendors, Landmark Creations had the professionalism, customer service, ingenuity, and creativity that we did not find elsewhere."
- Sean Conway, Arch and Loop
"[Our inflatable tunnel has] increased players & parents enthusiasm and recognition in the league for having a good program."
- W. Forrestal, Apex Sports Authority
“We wanted to convey our 'money-saving' message; what better way than a 14-foot-tall inflatable booth with money flying around in it?”
- B. Hoffman, Hydra-Flex
"We are able to directly track customer traffic caused by the boot, so we know the inflatable boot paid for itself within the first year."
- Jerry Kavsh, Renton Western Wear
“Everywhere it goes, folks go out of their way to catch a glimpse of the colorful inflatable.”
- B. Campbell, Enterprise Beverage Group, LLC
“This has created tremendous buzz around town and we have received a great deal of compliments on the Big Tire. Exposure is my goal, and the inflatable does that better than anyone, including me, can do at these events. The Big Tire never takes a break, gets tired or has to take a call. It just keeps shining bright and the kids love it.”
- Ed Chaney, Ed Chaney Tire Center Inc.