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Sand Tiger Shark

Product: L5605

SeaWorld Orlando created a life-sized sand shark replica atop a colorful coral display to use at its on-site exhibits. Life-sized displays featuring realistic detail help guests visualize the proportion and features of these marine animals, allowing them to make a deeper connection and enhance the learning experience. Easy to set-up and store, the design and usage of custom inflatables is limited only by your imagination.


  • Dimensions: H: 4 L: 3 W: 8
  • Includes: Blower system, storage bag, installation hardware & repair kit
  • Weight: 48 lbs.
  • Packed DIMS: 30 x 30 x 30"

What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"This year’s event was the highest attended in some time, and the [inflatable] astronaut, front and center on our Portico, was a great visible draw from all over the area."

- Dennis Bateman, Carnegie Science Center

"Our tunnel was also a great addition to our pre-game tradition: the Wildcat walk. Our city shuts down three blocks of downtown, and we have hundreds of fans lining the streets with a police escort, while we walk to the stadium."

- Sam Baker, Head Football Coach at Waconia High School

"[Our inflatable tunnel has] increased players & parents enthusiasm and recognition in the league for having a good program."

- W. Forrestal, Apex Sports Authority

“Everywhere it goes, folks go out of their way to catch a glimpse of the colorful inflatable.”

- B. Campbell, Enterprise Beverage Group, LLC

"We TRULY appreciate your service and excellent workmanship. We look forward to working with you all in the future!"

- Amanda Frith, Dalton Agency

"Since they were purchased, these Sonic areas have attracted a great deal of attention when using the cup at the store or at special events in the community. [...] You have been excellent to do business with, always letting us know about any special deals and shipping the items quickly so we can start putting them to work. I appreciate your attention to our group of Sonics and for handling your business in a very professional manner, always delivering any information I need when making a decision. Here is a special thanks, with a "cherry on top."

- Mason-Harrison, Jarrard Enterprises