Aquionics, a UV water treatment company, had one of their UV systems designed into a giant inflatable product replica for launch events and promotional events. Suspended from above the inflatable product replica caused a few double-takes!
"I was especially impressed with your ability to turn around such excellent work on very short notice, and at a fair price."
- R. Stever-Zeitlin, General Mills
"[Our inflatable tunnel has] increased players & parents enthusiasm and recognition in the league for having a good program."
- W. Forrestal, Apex Sports Authority
"This year’s event was the highest attended in some time, and the [inflatable] astronaut, front and center on our Portico, was a great visible draw from all over the area."
“The inflatable finish arch looked fantastic! Local media was also there filming, so photos and videos of our race were viewed by many with our logo front and center.”
"[The logo] helped us create a better presence, improved foot traffic, became a photo backdrop and helped us have the best-looking booth at the events,"
“The setup is so easy. We have had event tents and other promotional items in the past that were a nightmare to set up and break down. The inflatable is now the easiest part of the setup, and probably the most identifiable.”