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TPI Magazine 2018

Inflatables for "Katy Perry's Unrestrained World" Featured in TPI Magazine


Murray, Kel, editor. “BEAR WITNESS TO KATY PERRY’S UNRESTRAINED WORLD.” TPi (Total Production International), 5 Sept. 2018, pp. 62–73.


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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"We usually have to keep the arch up for at least 30 minutes after our races since so many people want to get their photos taken with it!"

- Art Boulet, Muddy Monk

"[The logo] helped us create a better presence, improved foot traffic, became a photo backdrop and helped us have the best-looking booth at the events,"

- Laura Repreza, KTLM Telemundo 40

"[There was] fun, excitement, and encouragement for everyone to actually walk under/through [the arch] and it worked.  We have cheerleaders and small children at the finish line by the arch handing out stickers, saying ‘I did it.’ Before we had the arch, [people] would straggle in anywhere."

- Jackie Allen, March of Dimes

"Since they were purchased, these Sonic areas have attracted a great deal of attention when using the cup at the store or at special events in the community. [...] You have been excellent to do business with, always letting us know about any special deals and shipping the items quickly so we can start putting them to work. I appreciate your attention to our group of Sonics and for handling your business in a very professional manner, always delivering any information I need when making a decision. Here is a special thanks, with a "cherry on top."

- Mason-Harrison, Jarrard Enterprises

"The inflatable arch allows for safe and easy setup and takedown. People have raved about the arch and have made requests to have it at their events."

- Karen Klevesahl, SMET Construction

"Thank you so much for getting the arch to us in time for our event!  The arch looked great and we couldn't of been happier with the look.  Looking forward to ordering another arch from you for our 2013 events!"

- Holly Vittengl, Gladiator Assault Challenge