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Landmarketing Issue 64 - Fall 2021

Inflatable Moon Person HighlightHappy Fall!

We had a great summer here at Landmark Creations! From the giant Moon Person we made for the Video Music Awards to being highlighted for Minnesota's Manufacturing Month, we have lots to share with you! 

Now on to the Latest News
This summer brought many projects but one stuck out from the rest. The giant Moon Person that was to be created for MTV's Video Music Awards. This giant, custom, inflatable stage piece was not an easy task. It was all hands on deck here at Landmark.

If you didn't know, we are located in Burnsville, Minnesota. The month of October is Manufacturing Month in Minnesota and the City of Burnsville highlighted Landmark in a mini series they produced. Take a look behind the scenes at Landmark Creations here!

 Here's What You'll Find in This Issue:


Stephanie Meacham

Stephanie Meacham | President

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"Landmark created two inflatable Truman the Tigers for us, and they were incredibly easy to work with, as well as very affordable."

- Michelle Froese, Missouri University

"We received our inflatable and gave it a test run Saturday afternoon. To be short; Excellent Work. Thanks again for all your efforts."

- Curtis Gadula, Brock University

"Our giant peach is brand new to us and will help us gain name recognition in our community at health fairs, county fairs, farm markets, school events and almost any event we take it to."

- Greg Stone, Peach Tree Healthcare

The inflatable complements our messaging since Ivar’s is a quirky restaurant that’s known for its antics.

- J. Werth, Ivar's Restaurant

"[Our inflatable tunnel has] increased players & parents enthusiasm and recognition in the league for having a good program."

- W. Forrestal, Apex Sports Authority

“We knew Landmark was the only company that would be able to understand our vision and work to make it come to life.”

- Lelia King, Charlotte Center City Partners