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The Quarterly Newsletter from Landmark Creations

From marketing to maintenance, each issue of Landmarketing provides insightful information designed to improve the overall performance and ROI of your event advertising balloons. Feel free to browse the most recent issues.

Learn How Others Use Inflatables to Get Results

Giant Inflatable Arch Gets Cross-Country Team to the Finish Line

Custom Inflatable Distillery Makes a Spirited Impact

Inflatable Replica Immerses Gamers In Fascinating Futuristic World

Inflatable Arch Helps Florida Nonprofit Reach New Heights for Life

"[Our inflatable tunnel has] increased players & parents enthusiasm and recognition in the league for having a good program."

- W. Forrestal, Apex Sports Authority

"Landmark created two inflatable Truman the Tigers for us, and they were incredibly easy to work with, as well as very affordable."

- Michelle Froese, Missouri University

“This has created tremendous buzz around town and we have received a great deal of compliments on the Big Tire. Exposure is my goal, and the inflatable does that better than anyone, including me, can do at these events. The Big Tire never takes a break, gets tired or has to take a call. It just keeps shining bright and the kids love it.”

- Ed Chaney, Ed Chaney Tire Center Inc.

“The inflatable finish arch looked fantastic! Local media was also there filming, so photos and videos of our race were viewed by many with our logo front and center.”

- David Parker, Pacific Road Runners Club

"After speaking to a number of vendors, Landmark Creations had the professionalism, customer service, ingenuity, and creativity that we did not find elsewhere."

- Sean Conway, Arch and Loop

"Simply put, the bobbleheads were a real hit at TwinsFest. Over 21,000 fans attended the two-day event raising more than $100,000 for the Twins Community Fund charities."

- Heidi Sammon, Minnesota Twins